
. . . in the valley

Saturday, September 10, 2016

2 Called to Witness a Crime

2  Called to witness a crime.

My Drive-by Shot of Peace Canyon Dam (from the bridge)

I felt called to witness a crime. A death. A death by drowning. The crime has not yet happened. But it will. It is scheduled, and each safeguard is being challenged, successfully or discouragingly, depending on your point of view. Safeguards supposedly there to protect both the environment and a democracy respectful of human and indigenous rights. Each hurdle has fallen, is falling, neatly, in order, into place. Clearcutting and infilling have already started. On Site C. The third phase.

From the Fort St John Lookout you can see that work has already begun.

In 1967, the W.A.C. Bennett Dam, 29 km west of Hudson's Hope, drowned forest and farmland under Williston Lake, a reservoir 250 km long and 150 km wide.
In 1980 the Peace Canyon Dam (pictured above), 6 km southwest of Hudson's Hope, drowned land beneath the 21 km long Dinosaur Lake reservoir.

Site C is just the third step in a 50+ year old plan. Site C, 7 km southwest of Fort St. John, will flood another 83 km of the Peace River Valley, plus 10 km of the Moberly and 14 km of the Halfway River.

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