
. . . in the valley

Friday, September 9, 2016

11 International Consequences

11   International Consequences

Resistance to "saving the Peace" from the rest of Canada seems understandable. We all swim in the capitalist whirlpool. We value competition. We fight for limited resources. We are nostalgic for past ages of huge manufactories and mega construction projects. We still believe in the Myth of Progress. We believe our civilization is superior, no matter how limited our experience of other cultures and other civilizations.

But we have to wake up to the fact that our backwardness, our failure to embrace international laws about human rights, indigenous rights, environmental protection will make us pariahs. We will become targets in an international community which will use tried techniques including trade boycotts to remind us of our duty to fellow humans and to our shared environment. You may have heard, how a large section of America is resisting further pipelines across American territory? Or how Indian nations in the Dakotas are resisting a pipeline across their reservation lands? Or how large rich countries like China refuse to take our lectures on human rights without shining the mirror back at us? We are behind the times, behind much of the rest of the world in our attitudes towards industry, resource extraction, pollution, renewable energy, indigenous and human rights. 

The world is a web of interconnections. All of us will experience negative consequences because of our failure to learn and to adapt. 

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